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Flight Software & Embedded Systems Framework

LED Blinker: Initial Component Integration

In this section, perform the initial integration the LED component into their deployment. This deployment will automatically include the basic command and data handling setup needed to interact with the component. Wiring the Led component to the GPIO driver component will be covered in a later section after the component implementation has finished.

Users must have created the initial Led component implementation in order to run through this section. Users may continue to define commands, events, telemetry, and ports after this initial integration.

Adding Led Component To The Deployment

The component can now be added to the deployment’s topology effectively adding this component to the running system. This is done by modifying instances.fpp and topology.fpp in the Top directory.

Add the following to led-blinker/LedBlinker/Top/instances.fpp. Typically, this is added to the “Passive component instances” section of that document.

  instance led: Components.Led base id 0x10000

This defines an instance of the Led component called led.

Next, the topology needs to use the above definition. This is done by adding the following to the list of instances defined in led-blinker/LedBlinker/Top/topology.fpp.

  topology LedBlinker {
    instance ...
    instance led

No port connections need to be added because thus far the component only defines standard ports and those are connected automatically.

This includes the large project (e.g. Components) in this deployment’s build.


Congratulations! You have now integrated your component and tested that integration.

This tutorial will return to the component implementation before finishing the integration of the component and testing on hardware.

Next Step: Continuing Component Implementation.